What to Do

Go on an adventure

We’re going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship… No there is no rocket ships. There is lots and lots of structures, rare mountable monsters like dragons, dungeons, liches, gems, loot that cannot be crafted, powerful artefacts, dimensions and lots of other shit for you to discover. If you want to know some of the things we have check out this list of exploration mods.

Build cool shit

There are so many new beautiful blocks and mechanics to enhance your beautiful TM buildings. You can literally build your own blocks with single pixels you scrape off of other blocks with chisels and bits. There are tons of new decorative blocks, decor, fairy lights, doors, fences, walls, furniture, paintings, roofs, trapdoors, windows and all sorts of shit. There is also the super usefull mod Effortless Building which let’s you do things like replacing a bunch of blocks, repeat placement of multiple blocks, randomize blocks in an area and more. You’ll need to keybind those things in your Controls. If you want you build to move around in cool ways like a working windmill, check Create. Also here is a list of all building related mods.

Become a Wizard

There’s a bunch of cool magic related mods. Theyre all very different so i can’t really tell you how to get started but most of them have an ingame book that tells you what to do. So checkout our list of magic mods and search for a book with @mod name or go watch some youtube videos :p. You can also become a golemancer! There are so, so many powerfull golems to craft.

Down the Mines

There are extremely rare materials, gems, enchantments, specific weapons and other shit to find and make. Checkout Gems & Jewels and Ores Above Diamonds for some rare shit to mine. Some things can only be found by adventuring tho. Oh also the underground looks way more beautiful now but its also way more dangerous!

Medival Tech

Fancy looking old school tech for all sorts of things. Hell you can even product hemp and make things with it: Immersive Engineering. For vanilla style machinery and making things move i highly recommend Create. There’s a list for our Engineering mods.


So fucking many crops, trees and food. Im serious you can literally plant and make ANYTHING it’s insane. Just go out and right click ripe fruit on trees to make your own saplings. Farm Gardens for vegetables. They just grow randomly all over the map. Put only the vegetable into your crafting grid and you’ll get seeds to plant yourself. For more info check the Pam's HarvestCraft 2 mods or search for @Pam's in your in-game search.

Become a Band

Yes you can literally make music :). Music Maker Mod. Im serious, theres instruments, music sheets, keybinds, metronomes and alot more.

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