foundryvtt unauthenticated rce part3/3 - bypassing auth with maffs

a foundryvtt exploit chain from bypassing auth with maffs to writing arbitrary files and folders - part 3/3: bypassing auth with maffs

foundryvtt unauthenticated rce part2/3 - dumping creds with facs n' logic

a foundryvtt exploit chain from bypassing auth with maffs to writing arbitrary files and folders - part 2/3: dumping creds with facs n' logic

foundryvtt unauthenticated rce part1/3 - dir overwrite

a foundryvtt exploit chain from bypassing auth with maffs to writing arbitrary files and folders - part 1/3: finding a directory overwrite

maptool "wormable" unauthenticated rce

how i discovered an unauthenticated rce that can worm to all connected clients. and how it works.